Convention on the Rights of the Child Art 24

UNICEF Innocenti
Office of Research-Innocenti


                folio 11



Convention on the
Rights of the kid

Full general

1 July 2003

Original:  ENGLISH

Commission on the Rights of the child
Thirty-3rd session
19 May-vi June 2003

General comment No. 4 (2003)

Adolescent Health and development in the context of the
Convention on the Rights of the kid


  1.         The Convention on the Rights of the child defines a child equally "every human below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable, majority is attained earlier" (art. 1).  Consequently, adolescents upward to 18 years old are holders of all the rights enshrined in the Convention; they are entitled to special protection measures and, according to their evolving capacities, they tin can progressively do their rights (art. v).
  2. Adolescence is a period characterized past rapid physical, cognitive and social changes, including sexual and reproductive maturation; the gradual building up of the chapters to assume adult behaviours and roles involving new responsibilities requiring new knowledge and skills.  While adolescents are in full general a healthy population group, adolescence also poses new challenges to Health and development attributable to their relative vulnerability and pressure from gild, including peers, to adopt risky Health behaviour.  These challenges include developing an individual identity and dealing with one'due south sexuality.  The dynamic transition period to machismo is also mostly a period of positive changes, prompted by the significant capacity of adolescents to larn rapidly, to experience new and various situations, to develop and use critical thinking, to familiarize themselves with liberty, to be artistic and to socialize.

GE.03-42724  (Eastward)  100803

  1. The Commission on the Rights of the child notes with concern that in implementing their obligations under the Convention, States parties accept not given sufficient attention to the specific concerns of adolescents as rights holders and to promoting their Health and development.  This has motivated the Committee to adopt the nowadays general comment in social club to raise awareness and provide States parties with guidance and support in their efforts to guarantee the respect for, protection and fulfilment of the rights of adolescents, including through the formulation of specific strategies and policies.
  2. The Commission understands the concepts of " Health and development" more broadly than being strictly express to the provisions defined in articles vi ( right to life, survival and development) and 24 (right to Health) of the Convention.  One of the aims of this general comment is precisely to identify the master human being rights that need to exist promoted and protected in order to ensure that adolescents practise enjoy the highest accessible standard of Health, develop in a well-balanced manner, and are fairly prepared to enter adulthood and assume a constructive role in their communities and in society at large.  This general annotate should be read in conjunction with the Convention and its 2 Optional Protocols on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and on the involvement of children in armed conflict, equally well as other relevant international human rights norms and standards. [i]

I.        Cardinal principles and other
obligations of states parties

  1. As recognized by the Earth Conference on Human Rights (1993) and repeatedly stated by the Committee, children'due south rights also are indivisible and interrelated.  In addition to manufactures 6 and 24, other provisions and principles of the Convention are crucial in guaranteeing that adolescents fully savor their right to Health and development.

The correct to non- Discrimination

  1. States parties have the obligation to ensure that all human beings below 18 enjoy all the rights set forth in the Convention without Bigotry (art. two), including with regard to "race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status".  These grounds likewise embrace adolescents' sexual orientation and Health status (including HIV/AIDS and mental Health).  Adolescents who are field of study to Bigotry are more vulnerable to corruption, other types of violence and exploitation, and their Health and development are put at greater adventure.  They are therefore entitled to special attention and protection from all segments of gild.

Appropriate guidance in the exercise of rights

  1. The Convention acknowledges the responsibilities, rights and duties of parents (or other persons legally responsible for the child) "to provide, in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child, appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the child of the rights recognized in the Convention" (art. v).  The Committee believes that parents or other persons legally responsible for the child need to fulfil with care their right and responsibility to provide direction and guidance to their adolescent children in the exercise by the latter of their rights.  They have an obligation to take into account the adolescents' views, in accordance with their age and maturity, and to provide a safe and supportive environment in which the adolescent can develop.  Adolescents need to be recognized by the members of their family environment every bit agile rights holders who have the capacity to go full and responsible citizens, given the proper guidance and direction.

Respect for the views of the child

  1. The right to express views freely and have them duly taken into account (art. 12) is too cardinal in realizing adolescents' right to Health and development.  States parties need to ensure that adolescents are given a genuine chance to express their views freely on all matters affecting them, particularly inside the family, in school, and in their communities.  In order for adolescents to exist able safely and properly to exercise this correct, public authorities, parents and other adults working with or for children need to create an surround based on trust, data sharing, the capacity to heed and sound guidance that is conducive for adolescents' participating equally including in controlling processes.

Legal and judicial measures and processes

  1. Under article 4 of the Convention, "States parties shall undertake all appropriate legislative, authoritative and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized" therein.  In the context of the rights of adolescents to Wellness and development, States parties need to ensure that specific legal provisions are guaranteed nether domestic law, including with regard to setting a minimum age for sexual consent, marriage and the possibility of medical treatment without parental consent.  These minimum ages should be the same for boys and girls (article 2 of the Convention) and closely reflect the recognition of the status of human beings under xviii years of age as rights holders, in accordance with their evolving capacity, age and maturity (arts. five and 12 to 17).  Further, adolescents need to have like shooting fish in a barrel access to private complaint systems as well equally judicial and advisable not-judicial redress mechanisms that guarantee fair and due process, with special attention to the right to privacy (art. 16).

Ceremonious rights and freedoms

  1. The Convention defines the ceremonious rights and freedoms of children and adolescents in its articles thirteen to 17.  These are key in guaranteeing the correct to Health and development of adolescents.  Article 17 states that the child has the correct to " access data and fabric from a diversity of national and international sources, especially those aimed at the promotion of his or her social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental Wellness".  The right of adolescents to access appropriate information is crucial if States parties are to promote toll effective measures, including through laws, policies and programmes, with regard to numerous Health related situations, including those covered in articles 24 and 33 such equally family planning, prevention of accidents, protection from harmful traditional practices, including early on marriages and female genital mutilation, and the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances.
  2. In order to promote the Health and development of adolescents, States parties are also encouraged to respect strictly their right to privacy and confidentiality, including with respect to advice and counselling on Health matters (art. xvi).   Health-care providers accept an obligation to keep confidential medical information concerning adolescents, bearing in mind the basic principles of the Convention.  Such data may merely be disclosed with the consent of the adolescent, or in the aforementioned situations applying to the violation of an adult's confidentiality.  Adolescents deemed mature plenty to receive counselling without the presence of a parent or other person are entitled to privacy and may request confidential services, including treatment.

Protection from all forms of abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation [two]

  1. States parties must take effective measures to ensure that adolescents are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation (arts. xix, 32-36 and 38), paying increased attention to the specific forms of abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation that affects this age group.  In particular, they should adopt special measures to ensure the physical, sexual and mental integrity of adolescents with disabilities, who are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect.  States parties should also ensure that adolescents affected by poverty who are socially marginalized are not criminalized.  In this regard, financial and human resource need to be allocated to promote research that would inform the adoption of constructive local and national laws, policies and programmes.  Policies and strategies should exist reviewed regularly and revised accordingly.  In taking these measures, States parties have to take into account the evolving capacities of adolescents and involve them in an advisable manner in developing measures, including programmes, designed to protect them.  In this context, the Commission emphasizes the positive impact that peer education tin can take, and the positive influence of proper office models, especially those in the worlds of arts, entertainment and sports.

Information drove

  1. Systematic information collection is necessary for States parties to be able to monitor the Wellness and development of adolescents.  States parties should adopt data-collection mechanisms that permit desegregation past sexual activity, age, origin and socio-economical status so that the state of affairs of dissimilar groups tin can be followed.  Data should too exist nerveless to study the situation of specific groups such equally ethnic and/or ethnic minorities, migrant or refugee adolescents, adolescents with disabilities, working adolescents, etc.  Where appropriate, adolescents should participate in the analysis to ensure that the information is understood and utilized in an adolescent sensitive way.

II.  Creating a rubber and supportive environment

  1. The Health and evolution of adolescents are strongly determined by the environments in which they live.  Creating a safe and supportive environment entails addressing attitudes and actions of both the firsthand environment of the adolescent - family, peers, schools and services - besides as the wider environment created by, inter alia, community and religious leaders, the media, national and local policies and legislation.  The promotion and enforcement of the provisions and principles of the Convention, especially articles 2-six, 12-17, 24, 28, 29 and 31, are cardinal to guaranteeing adolescents' right to Health and development.  States parties should take measures to enhance awareness and stimulate and/or regulate action through the formulation of policy or the adoption of legislation and the implementation of programmes specifically for adolescents.
  2. The Committee stresses the importance of the family unit environment, including the members of the extended family and community or other persons legally responsible for the child or adolescent (arts. 5 and xviii).  While most adolescents grow up in well functioning family unit environments, for some the family does non constitute a safe and supportive milieu.
  3. The Commission calls upon States parties to develop and implement, in a manner consequent with adolescents' evolving capacities, legislation, policies and programmes to promote the Wellness and development of adolescents by (a) providing parents (or legal guardians) with appropriate assist through the development of institutions, facilities and services that adequately support the well-existence of adolescents, including, when needed, the provision of material aid and support with regard to nutrition, clothing and housing (art. 27 (iii)); (b) providing adequate information and parental support to facilitate the development of a relationship of trust and confidence in which issues regarding, for example, sexuality and sexual behaviour and risky lifestyles can be openly discussed and adequate solutions found that respect the adolescent's rights (fine art. 27 (3)); (c) providing adolescent mothers and fathers with back up and guidance for both their own and their children'southward well-existence (art. 24 (f), 27 (2-3)); (d) giving, while respecting the values and norms of ethnic and other minorities, special attention, guidance and support to adolescents and parents (or legal guardians), whose traditions and norms may differ from those in the gild where they alive; and (east) ensuring that interventions in the family to protect the boyish and, when necessary, separate her/him from the family unit, due east.g. in case of abuse or neglect, are in accordance with applicable laws and procedures.  Such laws and procedures should be reviewed to ensure that they arrange to the principles of the Convention.
  4. The schoolhouse plays an important office in the life of many adolescents, as the venue for learning, development and socialization.  Commodity 29 (1) states that education must exist directed to "the development of the kid'due south personality, talents and mental and concrete abilities to their fullest potential".  In addition, general annotate No. 1 on the aims of education states that " educational activity must besides be aimed at ensuring that … no kid leaves school without beingness equipped to face the challenges that he or she can expect to exist confronted with in life.  Basic skills should include … the ability to make well-balanced decisions; to resolve conflicts in a non tearing manner; and to develop a healthy lifestyle [ and] skillful social relationships …".  Considering the importance of appropriate education for the current and future Health and development of adolescents, also as for their children, the Commission urges States parties, in line with articles 28 and 29 of the Convention to (a) ensure that quality main educational activity is compulsory and available, attainable and free to all and that secondary and higher education are available and accessible to all adolescents; (b) provide well-operation school and recreational facilities which do not pose Health risks to students, including h2o and sanitation and safe journeys to school; (c) take the necessary actions to prevent and prohibit all forms of violence and abuse, including sexual abuse, corporal Punishment and other inhuman, degrading or humiliating treatment or Penalization in school, by schoolhouse personnel as well as among students; (d) initiate and support measures, attitudes and activities that promote salubrious behaviour by including relevant topics in school curricula.
  5. During adolescence, an increasing number of young people are leaving schoolhouse to start working to help support their families or for wages in the formal or informal sector.  Participation in work activities in accordance with international standards, every bit long every bit it does not jeopardize the enjoyment of whatsoever of the other rights of adolescents, including Health and education, may be benign for the development of the adolescent.  The Committee urges States parties to take all necessary measures to cancel all forms of child labour, starting with the worst forms, to continuously review national regulations on minimum ages for employment with a view to making them compatible with international standards, and to regulate the working environment and conditions for adolescents who are working (in accordance with article 32 of the Convention, as well as ILO Conventions Nos. 138 and 182), and so equally to ensure that they are fully protected and take access to legal redress mechanisms.
  6. The Committee also stresses that in accord with commodity 23 (3) of the Convention, the special rights of adolescents with disabilities should be taken into account and assistance provided to ensure that the disabled child/boyish has constructive access to and receives good quality education.  States should recognize the principle of equal primary, secondary and tertiary educational opportunities for disabled children/adolescents, where possible in regular schools.
  7. The Committee is concerned that early on marriage and pregnancy are significant factors in Health problems related to sexual and reproductive Wellness, including HIV/AIDS.  Both the legal minimum age and actual age of union, particularly for girls, are withal very low in several States parties.  In that location are as well non- Health-related concerns:   children who marry, especially girls, are often obliged to leave the education organisation and are marginalized from social activities.  Further, in some States parties married children are legally considered adults, fifty-fifty if they are under 18, depriving them of all the special protection measures they are entitled under the Convention.  The Committee strongly recommends that States parties review and, where necessary, reform their legislation and practice to increase the minimum age for wedlock with and without parental consent to xviii years, for both girls and boys.  The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination confronting Women has made a like recommendation (general comment No. 21 of 1994).
  8. In most countries adventitious injuries or injuries due to violence are a leading cause of death or permanent disability among adolescents.  In that respect, the Committee is concerned about the injuries and death resulting from road traffic accidents, which affect adolescents unduly.  States parties should adopt and enforce legislation and programmes to improve road safety, including driving education for and examination of adolescents and the adoption or strengthening of legislation known to be highly effective such as the obligations to have a valid driver'southward licence, wear seat belts and crash helmets, and the designation of pedestrian areas.
  9. The Committee is also very concerned well-nigh the high rate of suicide among this age group.  Mental disorders and psychosocial illness are relatively mutual among adolescents.  In many countries symptoms such as low, eating disorders and self destructive behaviours, sometimes leading to self-inflicted injuries and suicide, are increasing.  They may be related to, inter alia, violence, ill-treatment, abuse and neglect, including sexual abuse, unrealistically high expectations, and/or bullying or hazing in and outside schoolhouse.  States parties should provide these adolescents with all the necessary services.
  10. Violence results from a complex interplay of private, family, community and societal factors.  Vulnerable adolescents such as those who are homeless or who are living in institutions, who vest to gangs or who take been recruited as child soldiers are peculiarly exposed to both institutional and interpersonal violence.  Under commodity 19 of the Convention, States parties must take all appropriate measures [3]  to prevent and eliminate:  (a) institutional violence confronting adolescents, including through legislation and authoritative measures in relation to public and individual institutions for adolescents (schools, institutions for disabled adolescents, juvenile reformatories, etc.), and training and monitoring of personnel in charge of institutionalized children or who otherwise have contact with children through their work, including the police force; and (b) interpersonal violence among adolescents, including past supporting adequate parenting and opportunities for social and educational development in early childhood, fostering not violent cultural norms and values (as foreseen in article 29 of the Convention), strictly controlling firearms and restricting access to alcohol and drugs.
  11. In lite of articles 3, 6, 12, 19 and 24 (3) of the Convention, States parties should have all effective measures to eliminate all acts and activities which threaten the correct to life of adolescents, including honour killings.  The Commission strongly urges States parties to develop and implement sensation-raising campaigns, education programmes and legislation aimed at changing prevailing attitudes, and address gender roles and stereotypes that contribute to harmful traditional practices.  Further, States parties should facilitate the establishment of multidisciplinary information and advice centres regarding the harmful aspects of some traditional practices, including early wedlock and female genital mutilation.
  12. The Committee is concerned about the influence exerted on boyish Health behaviours past the marketing of unhealthy products and lifestyles.  In line with article 17 of the Convention, States parties are urged to protect adolescents from information that is harmful to their Health and development, while underscoring their right to information and cloth from diverse national and international sources.  States parties are therefore urged to regulate or prohibit information on and marketing of substances such as alcohol and tobacco, particularly when it targets children and adolescents [four] .

III.         information, skills development, counselling,
and Health services

  1. Adolescents have the right to access adequate information essential for their Wellness and development and for their ability to participate meaningfully in society.  It is the obligation of States parties to ensure that all adolescent girls and boys, both in and out of schoolhouse, are provided with, and not denied, accurate and advisable information on how to protect their Wellness and development and practice healthy behaviours.  This should include information on the use and corruption, of tobacco, alcohol and other substances, safe and respectful social and sexual behaviours, nutrition and physical activeness.
  2. In gild to act adequately on the information, adolescents need to develop the skills necessary, including self-care skills, such equally how to plan and prepare nutritionally balanced meals and proper personal hygiene habits, and skills for dealing with particular social situations such equally interpersonal communication, decision-making, and coping with stress and conflict.  States parties should stimulate and back up opportunities to build such skills through, inter alia, formal and informal education and training programmes, youth organizations and the media.
  3. In light of manufactures 3, 17 and 24 of the Convention, States parties should provide adolescents with admission to sexual and reproductive data, including on family planning and contraceptives, the dangers of early pregnancy, the prevention of HIV/AIDS and the prevention and handling of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  In addition, States parties should ensure that they accept access to appropriate information, regardless of their marital status and whether their parents or guardians consent. It is essential to find proper means and methods of providing information that is adequate and sensitive to the particularities and specific rights of adolescent girls and boys.  To this end, States parties are encouraged to ensure that adolescents are actively involved in the design and dissemination of information through a diversity of channels beyond the school, including youth organizations, religious, community and other groups and the media.
  4. Under article 24 of the Convention, States parties are urged to provide adequate handling and rehabilitation for adolescents with mental disorders, to brand the customs aware of the early signs and symptoms and the seriousness of these conditions, and to protect adolescents from undue pressures, including psychosocial stress.  States parties are also urged to combat Discrimination and stigma surrounding mental disorders, in line with their obligations under article ii.  Every adolescent with a mental disorder has the right to exist treated and cared for, as far every bit possible, in the community in which he or she lives.  Where hospitalization or placement in a psychiatric institution is necessary, this decision should exist made in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the kid.  In the event of hospitalization or institutionalization, the patient should be given the maximum possible opportunity to bask all his or her rights as recognized under the Convention, including the rights to education and to accept access to recreational activities. [five] Where appropriate, adolescents should be separated from adults.  States parties must ensure that adolescents have access to a personal representative other than a family member to represent their interests, when necessary and appropriate. [6] In accordance with article 25 of the Convention, States parties should undertake periodic review of the placement of adolescents in hospitals or psychiatric institutions.
  5. Adolescents, both girls and boys, are at risk of being infected with and affected by STDs, including HIV/AIDS [7] .  States should ensure that appropriate goods, services and information for the prevention and handling of STDs, including HIV/AIDS, are bachelor and attainable.  To this end, States parties are urged (a) to develop effective prevention programmes, including measures aimed at changing cultural views nigh adolescents' need for contraception and STD prevention and addressing cultural and other taboos surrounding boyish sexuality; (b) to prefer legislation to combat practices that either increment adolescents' risk of infection or contribute to the marginalization of adolescents who are already infected with STDs, including HIV; (c) to take measures to remove all barriers hindering the admission of adolescents to information, preventive measures such as condoms, and care.
  6. Adolescent girls should have access to information on the harm that early marriage and early on pregnancy tin can cause, and those who become pregnant should have access to Health services that are sensitive to their rights and item needs.  States parties should accept measures to reduce maternal morbidity and bloodshed in adolescent girls, particularly caused past early pregnancy and unsafe abortion practices, and to back up adolescent parents.  Immature mothers, particularly where support is lacking, may be prone to low and anxiety, compromising their power to care for their child.  The Committee urges States parties (a) to develop and implement programmes that provide access to sexual and reproductive Health services, including family planning, contraception and safe abortion services where abortion is non against the law, adequate and comprehensive obstetric care and counselling; (b) to foster positive and supportive attitudes towards adolescent parenthood for their mothers and fathers; and (c) to develop policies that volition allow adolescent mothers to continue their teaching.
  7. Earlier parents give their consent, adolescents demand to have a chance to express their views freely and their views should be given due weight, in accord with commodity 12 of the Convention.  However, if the adolescent is of sufficient maturity, informed consent shall be obtained from the boyish her/himself, while informing the parents if that is in the "best interest of the child" (art. 3).
  8. With regard to privacy and confidentiality, and the related result of informed consent to treatment, States parties should (a) enact laws or regulations to ensure that confidential advice concerning treatment is provided to adolescents so that they tin give their informed consent.  Such laws or regulations should stipulate an age for this process, or refer to the evolving capacity of the child; and (b) provide grooming for Health personnel on the rights of adolescents to privacy and confidentiality, to exist informed well-nigh planned treatment and to give their informed consent to treatment.

Four.  Vulnerability and chance

  1. In ensuring respect for the right of adolescents to Wellness and development, both individual behaviours and environmental factors which increment their vulnerability and risk should be taken into consideration.  Environmental factors, such every bit armed conflict or social exclusion, increase the vulnerability of adolescents to corruption, other forms of violence and exploitation, thereby severely limiting adolescents' abilities to brand individual, salubrious behaviour choices.  For instance, the decision to appoint in dangerous sex increases adolescents' take a chance of ill Wellness.
  2. In accordance with commodity 23 of the Convention, adolescents with mental and/or physical disabilities have an equal right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental Wellness.  States parties have an obligation to provide adolescents with disabilities with the ways necessary to realize their rights. [8] States parties should (a) ensure that Health facilities, goods and services are bachelor and accessible to all adolescents with disabilities and that these facilities and services promote their self-reliance and their active participation in the community; (b) ensure that the necessary equipment and personal support are bachelor to enable them to motion effectually, participate and communicate; (c) pay specific attention to the special needs relating to the sexuality of adolescents with disabilities; and (d) remove barriers that hinder adolescents with disabilities in realizing their rights.
  3. States parties have to provide special protection to homeless adolescents, including those working in the informal sector.  Homeless adolescents are particularly vulnerable to violence, abuse and sexual exploitation from others, self-destructive behaviour, substance abuse and mental disorders.  In this regard, States parties are required to (a) develop policies and enact and enforce legislation that protect such adolescents from violence, e.g. by law enforcement officials; (b) develop strategies for the provision of appropriate education and admission to Health Care, and of opportunities for the evolution of livelihood skills.
  4. Adolescents who are sexually exploited, including in prostitution and pornography, are exposed to significant Wellness risks, including STDs, HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancies, dangerous abortions, violence and psychological distress.  They have the right to concrete and psychological recovery and social reintegration in an environment that fosters Health, cocky respect and nobility (art. 39).  It is the obligation of States parties to enact and enforce laws to prohibit all forms of sexual exploitation and related trafficking; to collaborate with other States parties to eliminate intercountry trafficking; and to provide advisable Health and counselling services to adolescents who accept been sexually exploited, making sure that they are treated every bit victims and not as offenders.
  5. Additionally, adolescents experiencing poverty, armed conflicts, all forms of injustice, family breakdown, political, social and economic instability and all types of migration may be particularly vulnerable.  These situations might seriously hamper their Health and development.  By investing heavily in preventive policies and measures States parties can drastically reduce levels of vulnerability and risk factors; they volition also provide cost-effective ways for society to aid adolescents develop harmoniously in a free lodge.

V.  Nature of States' obligations

  1. In exercising their obligations in relation to the Health and evolution of adolescents, States parties shall always have fully into account the four general principles of the Convention.  It is the view of the Commission that States parties must accept all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the realization and monitoring of the rights of adolescents to Health and development equally recognized in the Convention.  To this finish, States parties must notably fulfil the following obligations:

        (a)        To create a safe and supportive environment for adolescents, including within their family, in schools, in all types of institutions in which they may live, inside their workplace and/or in the club at large;

        (b)        To ensure that adolescents have admission to the information that is essential for their Health and development and that they have opportunities to participate in decisions affecting their Wellness (notably through informed consent and the right of confidentiality), to acquire life skills, to obtain adequate and age- advisable information, and to make appropriate Health behaviour choices;

        (c)        To ensure that Health facilities, appurtenances and services, including counselling and Health services for mental and sexual and reproductive Wellness, of advisable quality and sensitive to adolescents' concerns are available to all adolescents;

        (d)        To ensure that adolescent girls and boys have the opportunity to participate actively in planning and programming for their own Wellness and evolution;

        (east)        To protect adolescents from all forms of labour which may jeopardize the enjoyment of their rights, notably by abolishing all forms of child labour and past regulating the working environment and conditions in accordance with international standards;

        (f)        To protect adolescents from all forms of intentional and unintentional injuries, including those resulting from violence and road traffic accidents;

        (m)        To protect adolescents from all harmful traditional practices, such equally early marriages, honour killings and female person genital mutilation;

        (h)        To ensure that adolescents belonging to especially vulnerable groups are fully taken into account in the fulfilment of all same obligations;

        (i)        To implement measures for the prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of mental Health of adolescents.

  1. The Committee draws the attending of States parties to the general comment No. fourteen on the right to the highest attainable standard of Health of the Committee on Economical, Social and Cultural Rights which states that, "States parties should provide a safe and supportive environs for adolescents that ensures the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting their Wellness, to build life skills, to learn appropriate information, to receive counselling and to negotiate the Health-behaviour choices they make.  The realization of the right to Health of adolescents is dependent on the development of youth-sensitive Health Care, which respects confidentiality and privacy and includes appropriate sexual and reproductive Health services."
  2. In accord with articles 24, 39 and other related provisions of the Convention, States parties should provide Wellness services that are sensitive to the particular needs and human rights of all adolescents, paying attending to the following characteristics:

        (a) Availability .   Principal Health Care should include services sensitive to the needs of adolescents, with special attention given to sexual and reproductive Health and mental Wellness;

        (b) Accessibility. Health facilities, goods and services should exist known and easily attainable (economically, physically and socially) to all adolescents, without Discrimination.  Confidentiality should be guaranteed, when necessary;

        (c) Acceptability. While fully respecting the provisions and principles of the Convention, all Health facilities, goods and services should respect cultural values, be gender sensitive, be respectful of medical ethics and exist adequate to both adolescents and the communities in which they live;

        (d) Quality. Health services and goods should be scientifically and medically appropriate, which requires personnel trained to care for adolescents, adequate facilities and scientifically accepted methods.

  1. States parties should, where viable, adopt a multisectoral arroyo to the promotion and protection of adolescent Health and development by facilitating effective and sustainable linkages and partnerships among all relevant actors.  At the national level, such an arroyo calls for close and systematic collaboration and coordination within Government, so every bit to ensure the necessary interest of all relevant government entities.  Public Wellness and other services utilized past adolescents should also be encouraged and assisted in seeking collaboration with, inter alia, private and/or traditional practitioners, professional associations, pharmacies and organizations that provide services to vulnerable groups of adolescents.
  2. A multisectoral approach to the promotion and protection of adolescent Health and development volition not be effective without international cooperation.  Therefore, States parties
    should, when advisable, seek such cooperation with United Nations specialized agencies, programmes and bodies, international NGOs and bilateral aid agencies, international professional associations and other non-State actors.


[2] See as well the reports of the Committee's days of general give-and-take on "Violence confronting children" held in 2000 and 2001 and the Recommendations adopted in this regard (come across CRC/C/100, chap. V and CRC/C/111, chap. V).

[3] Ibid.

[4] Every bit proposed in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (2003) of the World Health Organization.

[five] For farther guidance on this subject, refer to the Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Disease and for the Improvement of Mental Wellness Care, (General  Assembly resolution 46/119 of 17 December 1991, annex).

[6] Ibid., in particular principles two, 3 and 7.

[seven] For further guidance on this issue, see general comment No. iii (2003) on HIV/AIDS and the rights of children.


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